Data Analytics


Data Analytics


In this assignment you need to describe about your dream jobs in the area of data analytics. Summarize the details skills/attributes that are required for the jobs. Based on this skill set, figure out where you stand now and what skills you would need to develop further in order to acquire a dream job. You will also provide a set of interview questions and potential answers assessing these attributes and skills.

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Data Scientist

Data scientists have to familiarize themselves with various methods, systems, processes, and algorithms for the purposes of extracting insights and knowledge from data. This takes place in various forms, and could either be unstructured or structured (Guller, 2015). Data scientists seek to unify statistics, machine learning, as well as data analysis. This makes it possible for the actual phenomena to be analyzed.

Data Designer

Different users will prefer different databases to suit their business specifications. For a retail business, for instance, the database should incorporate aspects like the monthly sales report, the inventory track, catalog for the products, as well as an order entry system. At this point, the scope of the database has to be clarified. For the database to be effective, the information that it holds has to be related. All the concerned parties have to be updated on the project scope, as well as the expected outcomes (Runkler, 2016).

Word count: 1644