Database Security(Wild Wood Apartment)


Database Security(Wild Wood Apartment)

For this assignment, you will continue to work with the scenario you began in Chapters 1-7. Reread the information from each of these assignments at the end of each chapter. (Again, the “Westlake Research Hospital” scenario will act as an example throughout this course.)


  1. Reread the introduction to your selected scenario (Wild Wood Apartments) and the continuations on pages 37-39, page 60, page 79, page 100, pages 123-124, and page 155.
  2. Read your scenario for Chapter 7 on pages 175-176.
  3. Review the “Deliverables” section below.
  4. Review the “Suggestions for Scenarios” section on page 177 of your textbook for important details and ideas to assist you with your deliverables.
  5. Read the “Westlake Research Hospital” scenario on page 18, pages 40-43, page 61, page 80, page 101, page 124, pages 155-156, and page 176. Review the ‘Suggested Answer’ for this scenario to gain an understanding of what is expected of you on this assignment.
  6. When you have completed all of the deliverables, compress the files together into a single .zip file for upload.

Answer Preview 

Threat analysis

Since the tenants who form the bulk of membership are not allowed to access the database, the greatest threat to the database comes in the form of the finance department. Any slip on their part would result in the leaking of all the financial information regarding the apartments. Having such information in the public sphere would be useful to competitors who would manipulate such information to suit their needs and mount a successful attack on wildwood apartment strategies. The IT department has remote access to the database. Based on the services used to host the database poses a risk of opening a backdoor that can be used to manipulate the data.

Word Count: 750