Databases and Automated Systems


Databases and Automated Systems


Minimum 250 words per question

Question 1)

Briefly summarize the five fact-finding questions about the proposed system to be developed. Which of the questions, in your opinion, is the most important fact-finding question, and why?

Question 2)

Think of an area of your life that might hypothetically benefit from the use of an automated system using a database. For instance:

  • grocery shopping and menu planning,
  • scheduling family work and activities,
  • managing the team you coach,
  • handling your bills and budget, or
  • another activity you participate in regularly.

Imagine that you are going to design a system to accommodate these tasks.

  • Who are the major actors?
  • List some of the requirements.
  • What are the business rules you would need to consider in designing your database?
  • When you respond to another student’s post, offer suggestions for additional requirements and rules that he/she might not have included.

Question 3)

Suppose you were assigned to develop a DFD model for a registration system at your school or activity. Briefly explain the four elements used in DFDs, describe the symbols, and explain how each of the DFD symbols are used in the model.

Question 4)

Conduct some research online for tutorials on Relational Database design.

  • Choose three (3) that you think do the best job of teaching you about relational database design.
  • Share your findings with the class, and explain why you chose the three (3) tutorials.

Answer preview

Fact-finding is a formal process or using technique such as interviews, questionnaires; examine documentation, observation, and research to collect facts about a system, a requirement, and preferences. There are many occasions for a fact-finding during the database system development lifecycle. It is crucial especially in the early stages of the lifecycle such as the database planning, system definition, requirement collection, and the analyses stages. Throughout the database system development lifecycle, the database developer needs to capture facts about the current and/or future system.

Word count: 1216