Death of a salesman


Death of a salesman


These are essentially reviews, asking you to assess 1) the intention of the author, 2) the intention of the director, and 3) how you feel the production is or is not relevant to 2017.

For part 1, you will be expected to provide evidence for your arguments cited directly from the play texts, and from whatever scholarship you can find on other plays written by the author or written about the author. For Part 2, you will be expected to provide evidence directly from the films seen in class, citing specific images of acting style, costumes, set, etc.

Answer preview

Written in 1949, Death of a Sales Man is one of the best plays of the 20th century and even went ahead to win a Pulitzer. Having been staged in many countries across the globe, the plays raises issues that resonate with many families in the world. Economic struggle that brings in family strife is disillusionment is not only an American story but a story of many others in the world. That may explain why its appreciation saw the paly receive many accolades and mentions. The play is a tragedy and showed Willy Loman a family man who had gone through his whole life in a perpetual regret and was now tired of life itself.

Word count: 1316