Debate: Grit Can Be Learned

Debate: Grit Can Be Learned


1. You need to make sure that you have 2 pieces of research that back your argument. A quote from a famous person does not count. These need to be research findings, statistics, etc. When you share each piece of research, make sure you clearly cite the source verbally (According to Smith…, The Pew Research Center found in a study in 2016…, etc.) so I can make sure to grade you appropriately.

2. You will want to review the rubric for this assignment. I will have rubrics in front of me during the debate and will be grading you using the rubric. I don’t want any surprises as to how you will be graded.

3. Practice. Seriously. You have certain time restraints. If you have too much information and can’t get to it all, you will likely miss key pieces you are being graded on. On the other hand, if you don’t use most or all of the allotted time, you are indicating to me that you don’t have enough information to make your case.

4. Anticipate what the counterarguments could be. That way, you are not starting from scratch trying to scramble for your rebuttal in the one-minute prep time you have in class. If you have an idea of what the other argument entails, you can be prepared to argue against it when it is your rebuttal time.

5. You may use an index card to put important statistics or a few bullet points on. You should not be reading off of the card at any point.

6. Plan to take lots of notes when others are doing their debates so you have enough info for your reflection paper.

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  • Jenny Williams (2015) argue that grit can be learned because it is a unique combination of resilience, focus, determination, and passion that permits an individual to keep the optimism and discipline to persist in their goals regardless of rejection, discomfort, and insufficiency of visible progress for decades or even years.

Word Count: 670