Debate on the Legalization of Marijuana


Debate on the Legalization of Marijuana


In 3 pages, write an argumentative essay on why marijuana should be not legalized. Use APA format.

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According to Debating Europe (2017), there have been many other harmful drugs out there that are legalized and people know how to limit themselves from using them. Under this theory, the government should not restrict the uses of Marijuana even if it is harmful and besides, there are no clear records showing how harmful Marijuana is. Another argument is that Marijuana or weed as a slang term known by some people is less harmful compared to the other legal drugs like alcohol so banning it proves unfair. Unlike alcohol researches have proven some health benefits from marijuana like that one of preventing epilepsy and treating glaucoma among other prevention benefits.

If the government wants to stop the illegal trade of drugs and especially cannabis trade then legalizing marijuana is one of the key factors to start with (Debating Europe, 2017).

Word count: 970