Deductive approach and PESTLE analysis in studying matters of gaming in China : Dissertation Methodology


Deductive approach and PESTLE analysis in studying matters of gaming in China : Dissertation Methodology


Write a dissertation detailing on the results of PESTLE analysis carried out on the gaming industry of China.

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Identifying the correlation between researcher and theory is imperative prior to undertaking the research. A deductive approach implies that the researcher begins with the theory as a basis of the research. If empirical data is collected first, it becomes an inductive research. Collins (2010) asserts that the inductive approach is a complex strategy that may not work well with sophisticated variables. As such, it is suggested that a researcher need to use an existing theory as the basis of a research and guide the analysis of data.

The current researcher adapted the deductive approach with an aim of testing the credibility of Collins (2010) proposition using the available data and knowledge of the Chinese network game industry. However, the use of the theoretical framework could not deliver comprehensive answers to the study questions, yet, it helped to associate the current research to the available literature and serve as a starting point to from a preliminary analytical framework.

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