Definitions: Chapter 3 and 4 Key Terms


Definitions: Chapter 3 and 4 Key Terms


Choose 5 Key terms from Chapter 3 and 5 Key terms from Chapter 4.

  • Define the terms. Be sure to cite and reference any source used for the definitions.
  • Provide a personal example of how each chosen term is expressed in your life using at least 50 words for each.
  • Write using complete sentences. Provide references in APA style.

Chapter 3 Terms:

  • Affective Forecasting
  • Private self-consciousness
  • Self-perception theory
  • BIRG
  • Public self-consciousness
  • Self-presentation
  • Dialecticism
  • Self-awareness theory
  • Self-regulation
  • Downward Social Comparisons
  • Self-concept
  • Self-schema
  • Facial Feedback Hypothesis
  • Self-esteem
  • Social comparison theory
  • Implicit Egotism
  • Self-handicapping
  • Terror management theory
  • Over justification Effect
  • Self-monitoring
  • Two factor theory of emotion

Chapter 4 Terms:

  • Attribution theory
  • Covariation principle
  • Nonverbal behavior
  • Availability heuristic
  • False-consensus effect
  • Personal attribution
  • Base-rate fallacy
  • Fundamental attribution error
  • Primacy effect
  • Belief in a just world
  • Implicit personality theory
  • Priming
  • Belief perseverance
  • Impression formation
  • Self-fulfilling prophecy
  • Central traits
  • Information integration theory
  • Situational attribution
  • Confirmation bias
  • Mind perception
  • Social perception
  • Counterfactual thinking
  • Need for closure

Answer preview

Affective forecasting refers to predicting the manner in which an individual will feel in the future.  Many individuals use affective forecasting to make decisions, since affective forecasting is the aspect of predicting the manner in which the future events will have an effect on individual’s emotional well-being (Wilson & Gilbert, 2003). For instance, an individual may make a choice concerning the person they will marry, what they want to buy, where they want to live based on the individuals affective forecast regarding what will bring joy and happiness in their lives.  The unfortunate thing about affective forecasting is that it is prone to error thus, leading to decisional regret.

Word count: 1584