Deforestation and relocation on the health of the Penan People


Deforestation and relocation on the health of the Penan People


Deforestation and relocation has impacted on the health of the Penan People in a number of ways, including malnutrition. Discuss
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5 References.

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Deforestation and relocation has made an impact to the health of Penan people in Malaysia. Penan people represent a nomadic community whose source of food is hunting and gathering (Hance, 2011). Major projects such as cutting down trees for timber business and clearance to engage in cash crop plantation have led to the destruction of rain forest, which is the main habitat for Penan people (Al Jazeera English, 2009). As large areas of the rain forests are left bleak, access to clean water has become a major issue for the Penan (Ritchie, 2009).

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