Descartes and Hume Philosophy


Descartes and Hume Philosophy


  • What is Descartes’s theory of knowledge? What does he take the ultimate source of knowledge to be? How does he go about establishing this?  What is Hume’s theory of knowledge? What does he take the ultimate source of knowledge to be?  What does he take the limits of knowledge to be?

Who do you think provides a better account of knowledge and why? Explain.


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One of the most lasting thoughts of Descartes’s philosophy is that the mind the body are distinct, and they can exist without each other. Descartes used the term real distinction stating that both the mind and the body are substances that do not require any other creature for them to exist. Therefore, the thesis of the mind and body are distinct means that they can exist independent of each other or any other creature. However, it is important to understand that this does not mean that these substances exist separately (Bailey 56). They can influence each other, the mind can, therefore, influence the body and this also applies the same to the body which can influence the mind. However, despite the influence exerted, they are distinct that do not require each other in order to for them to exist.

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