Desktop Security


Desktop Security


No of pages 1 -discussion board (1/2 page discussion and ½ page response)

Week 7 discussion deals with developing a strategic plan on implementing security controls on a desktop in a large environment.  The federal government has released its cybersecurity initiative and plan where it identified the critical point the government will take to improve its security posture.

  1. Please identify what you feel are necessary components of a strategic plan for desktop security.

Please explain why the components you identify are necessary and important

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Desktop security is not just the entire process of safeguard the machine and the data on it. It is clear that when a computer is comprised it can perform its functions as expected hence there is a need to ensure that it is protected from criminal attackers. I feel that collaborations are some of the necessary components of a strategic plan for desktop security. It is clear that collaborations tend to make people more creative especially if they are working as a group (Sönmez, 2016).

Word count: 450