Destination Management and Planning on Vietnam Tourism


Destination Management and Planning on Vietnam Tourism

Sustainable Tourism Development

Develop a policy, using three different policy instruments to address a barrier to sustainable tourism development in Can Tho. In this workbook exercise, you need to repeat the exercise with a different barrier that you believe is particularly relevant to the Can Tho region. You should begin with a few sentences identifying the barrier to sustainable tourism development you have selected (it cannot be the one addressed in class) and explain why you think it is particularly relevant to the Can Tho case. Then you should describe a policy to address your chosen barrier that uses three different types of policy instruments. You should plan to write a paragraph describing each barrier and a paragraph that describes who the three instruments will work together in your proposed policy.500Word

Answer Preview

There is a need for the regulation of the training as well as the standardization of the skill levels required for individuals working within the industry. The development of policies by the government will ensure that only the people with the highest level of skills are offered positions within the industry. The government needs to develop laws that govern the training of people to work within the industry. There is also a need to have a licensing body that issues permits to become operators within the industry. This will be critical in ensuring that the levels of skills that the employees have been maintained at a relatively high standard to ensure the region becomes competitive in the global market.

Word Count: 1000