Difference in Engagement between Full-time and Part-time Staff within the UK


Difference in Engagement between Full-time and Part-time Staff within the UK


You are required to write a research proposal for a project on a current issue in business or a related
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practical business or managerial problem, but also one where you can demonstrate the importance
of the research. Your proposal must engage with controversies, critique the available information,
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According to Hazelton (2014), employee engagement is influenced by different factors, including rational and emotional elements that determine employees’ willingness to help their organisation succeed, majorly by providing flexible contribution in a sustainable way. By contrast, Mukerjee (2014) considers employee engagement as enthusiasm and involvement of employees in a company’s processes. Employee engagement is considered to the positive emotional attachment and commitment of staff members in a company.

Although employee engagement has been significantly adopted in the discussions on how to improve organisational achievements, Wiley (2010) have shown that many organisations do not understand the actual meaning and value of engagement. For example, while the current literature provides a wide of definition on the subject, academics and practitioners conduct studies based on the literal meaning which fails to reflect the practical sense of the same.

Word Count: 4600