Differences between Global Marketing Strategies of Harley-Davidson and Toyota


Differences between Global Marketing Strategies of Harley-Davidson and Toyota


Write a speech paper detailing on the differences between Global Marketing Strategies of Harley-Davidson and Toyota

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Unlike Toyota that focuses on specific segments of customers, Harley Davidson produces and markets its products to a wide variety of customers. For example in a bid to enhance customer experience, it manufactures apparels and gears mainly for women and young adult riders (Parker, 2016). Also, to reach a broader customer base, the firm advertises its apparels and gears through its websites. Therefore, it can attract potential customers from across the globe.

Harley-Davidson recognizes the concept of interacting with all its customers through an umbrella body called Harley Owners Group which organizes events for all its members (Parker, 2016). Through the events, customers can share their experiences with others from different part of the globe which could be crucial in recruiting new members and making them loyal customers (Terpstra et al., 2012). The strategy is crucially important as it establishes a special relationship with customers hence, strengthening its global firm-customer bond.

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