Digital Marketing


Digital marketing


How important are macro environmental changes to my digital marketing strategy?

How can I ensure my online marketing activities are consistent with evolving culture and ethical standards of online communities?

How important is it for me to understand technological innovations?

Which laws am I subject to when marketing online?

How is social media marketing likely to impact on my business and what changes do I need to make in order to react to social changes in the online market place?

What are the political influences which could influence my digital marketing planning?

How do I keep up in a constantly changing marketing environment?

What are the options for digital marketing to grow our business?

What are the key benefits of digital marketing?

What differences do the digital media introduce compared to existing marketing communications models?

What are the options for digital marketing to grow our business?

What are the key benefits of digital marketing?

What differences do the digital media introduce compared to existing marketing communications models?

What are our capabilities for understanding our online marketplace?

How relevant is the behaviour of the actors in the micro-environment to the future of our business?

How do I complete a marketplace analysis and how does this inform our digital marketing planning?

How are customers’ needs changing as digital platforms develop and what are the implications of such changes?

How do I compare our online marketing with that of our competitors?

How do we find suitable intermediaries at the planning stage of a digital marketing strategy?

How are the elements of the marketing mix varied online?

What are the implications of the Internet for brand development?

Can the product component of the mix be varied online?

How are companies developing online pricing strategies?

Does ‘place’ have relevance online?

Answer preview

In the contemporary world of business, successful social media marketing does not only mean posting on Twitter or Facebook once a day. Notably, creativity is critical in maintaining frequency in a thronged online space. In addition to this, creativity is key in interacting with and developing business customer base in addition to creating a buzz and possibly of making the intended message go viral (De Vries, and Carlson, 2014 p. 505). Boohoo is one of the successful online fashion company because it has presented fresh prove of online retailers stomping past their high street fashion competitors after knocking City forecasts with escalating sales. It is clear that Boohoo is an online retailer targeting fashion conscious young people. Statistics have revealed that Boohoo has posted approximately 55% jump in sales to £114.3m for a period of four months thus exceeding the most hopeful analyst estimation of a 46% rise.

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