Digital Nation


Digital Nation


Watch the Digital Nation video: (cut & paste link)

Then, write a 1-2 page paper that includes answers to the following two questions (remember to cite sources):

1) In today’s technological immersion environment, do you think the good side of it outweighs the bad? Use examples from the program.

2) As shown in the IBM example, the data driven workplace is a very different environment. The new trend is to target resources around consumer preferences and habits with incredible efficiency – is this a good thing or a bad thing? Cite outside sources to support your position.

Remember to cite your sources in a bibliography.

Answer preview

Today’s technological immersion environment has transformed the way people live in different ways. Overall, considering the explanations and demonstrations presented in Season 28, Episode 9 of Digital Nation (Dretzin, 2010), I believe that the new era of web and digital media has greater good side of it that outweighs the bad. One important good that I believe outweighs the bad is the aspect of socialization promoted by social networking sites (SNSs), such as Twitter and Facebook. Some risks exists based on the access and anonymity that the SNSs offers, as people may engage in some unwarranted behavior such as cyber-bullying capable of affecting even young people.

Word count: 708