Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness


Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness


Give a response to Student Post 2

Post 2 preview: My community is near the ocean and there is potential for a hurricane disaster.  The last hurricane in my area was Hurricane Bob in 1991.  Community Health Nurse can help the community prepare and respond to a hurricane.  To prepare for a hurricane, CHN can assist in teaching evacuation routes, where shelters are located, and the  importance of having a disaster kit available with items like batteries, cash, flashlight, water, first aid supplies and medications.  CHN can encourage family members to have emergency communication plan should they get separated.   If a hurricane disaster should occur, the CHN could assist with the evacuation and first aid to the injured.  The CHN could assist the emergency management system in the co-ordination of emergency services, implementing a triage system and administering medical assistance.

Answer Preview

I would like, first, to say sorry for the tragedy that your community faced during the Hurricane Bob in 1991. You are right; hurricane disasters are common in areas within coastlines. I second you on the argument that Community Health Nurses within your area have the responsibility help your community prepare and respond to hurricane disasters if ever occurs again. Some of the important preparatory activities, including being informed of the evacuation routes, learning importance of having a disaster kit, and medications, are eminent and can actually save lives before rescuers arrive.

Predominantly,  I would like to second your argument on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) by first stating that these types of infections are very common across communities.

Word count: 283