Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness


Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness(Response to Student Post 1)


Write a response to student post 1

Post 1 preview:

1. The North East region is susceptible to a variety of weather-related emergencies. Hurricanes, flooding,
tornadoes and severe winter storms occur here periodically. Even routine weather events can disrupt
power and other utilities for prolonged periods. Spring time can be a mild time of year but spring on the
East Coast can bring severe weather. This severe spring weather usually takes two forms, flooding,
including flash floods, caused by heavy rains and snow storms. They are extremely dangerous, largely
because they catch people unaware. They are the number one cause of weather-related deaths in the
United States. My region is also known for its sweltering summers. Intense heat and humidity pose a
serious health risk, especially for children, the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions.
Severe thunderstorms with lightning are common on the North East Coast throughout the summer
season. Tropical weather systems often cause severe flooding. Winters here are notoriously
unpredictable and not consistent. East Coast is occasionally is hit by severe cold spells and heavy snows
also. As a CHN I can assist the elderly to ensure they are safe and have the supplies they need. I would
do this in conjunction with the fire and rescue unit in our area.

Answer Preview

You are right to consider the need for CHN preparedness in conjunction with fire and
rescue agencies because the situation, as you explain it, in North East region is highly critical as
far as weather-related emergencies are concerned. The severity of spring weather to cause
flooding and the sweltering summers that bring about intense humidity and heat is a definite
proof that the place largely under major threats of natural disasters.
On the spreading of infectious disease, I do agree with you that the CHN has equal
responsibility of controlling the environment to avoid further transmission.

Word count: 245