Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness


Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness


Preparing for disasters, terrorist threats, or communicable disease outbreaks is an important part of public health nursing. Visit the websites http://www.ready.gov and http://www.ready.gov/pandemic. Review the steps for being prepared for a disaster or pandemic.

  • Choose a natural or man-made disaster that could impact your community and discuss how a CHN can help the community to prepare or respond to this disaster.
  • Choose a potential infectious disease outbreak and discuss how a CHN can help to prevent or respond to an outbreak.
  • How well is your community prepared for a potential outbreak or disaster?

Answer Preview

Home fires are part of the common, man-made disasters that occur in any community setting across a country. In United States along, over 12,600 people get an injury and 2,500 people die from home fires every year (Department of Homeland Security, 2017). My community is not exceptional in proneness on home fire disaster, which makes the Community Health Nursing (CHN) in area very important in helping households to implement preparedness measures in cases of home fires in future. As my community is part of the state injury prevention programs funded by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the CHN should use benefit from the program to engage on home visits to identify and educate homes that require better fire safety.

Word count: 405