Disciplines associated with public relations


Disciplines associated with public relations


You must include a short introduction explaining the scope of your investigation and providing a rationale
for your selection of sources, and a conclusion that summarisesyour findings (are there linkages between
the articles, why/why not?) and provides a recommendation how these issues should be considered in
public relations planning.
The assignment length is 1250 words. Each annotation is to be around 200 words in length. Assignments
which do not meet, or that exceed the word count, by more than 10% will be penalised by 10 percent for
every hundred words.
Resources on how to write an annotated bibliography will be discussed in class and provided on
A template for your assessment submission will also be provided on Blackboard.
Format and Presentation Requirements
1. Sources must be referenced using APA style.
2. Number all pages at the bottom centre.
3. Place a header with your name and tutorial day/time on each page.
4. Name your file in the format Firstname_Lastname
5. Submit your file via Turnitin ONLY. No hard copy is required.
6. A limit of 1250-words applies. The word limit on this assignment will be strictly enforced and 10% will
be deducted per 100 words under or over the word limits.

Answer Preview 

Watts, R. (2006). What is the role of public relation theory?: Journal of Communication Management:. Journal of Communication Management10(1), 103-105.

Watts’ article is significant in the discussion of public relations theory as it address the varied aspects of the subject in different disciplines. Its findings shows that public relations spans across multiple disciplines, and its role is to divide and evaluate the different elements involved these subjects and apply them consistently to the professional run-through. Watts attributes the findings to the current literature on the subject that public relations need to organize elements from the vast body of literature and develop the works into frameworks that would facilitate professional use of the same. This work builds on to the prevalent presumption that public relations should come to terms with the scarcity of the knowledge related to how people conceive meaning from the medium  by which communication occurs. Through this approach, the concept on public relations works can be improved. The value originality of the article can be assessed on its significance in emphasizing on a theoretical model through which public relations can fit in the new era of significance and repel the invasion by other disciplines. This article is appropriate for scholars interested in learning how to modernize the public relation discipline in the light of changing business environment.

Word Count: 1200