Discrimination in America’s health sector


Discrimination in America’s health sector


Each student will write a product that demonstrates an understanding of interviewing skills with a specific client system and a selected problem.  The final product will be 10 typed (double-spaced) pages in length and should contain the information outlined below.  Papers will be evaluated on clarity and writing style, accuracy, and application, of course, content to the specific client system/problem identified.

Answer Preview 

When responding to patients from diverse circumstances, it is important to demonstrate sensitivity and fairness. Healthcare professionals should also enable patients to participate in the agreement and negotiation of the care plan to be utilized, as this will make them more comfortable (Kreider, 2017). This underlines the importance of showing compassion when conducting duties. Other skills that will come in handy with regards to this include listening skills, problem-solving skills, as well as assertiveness. In any healthcare setting such as the hypoglycemia department, it is also critical to observe and respect professional boundaries. Even though the focus is person-centered, there is a need to ensure that certain lines are not crossed, especially those that will intrude on the privacy of patients.

Word Count: 2500