Discussion 2: Writing Development

Discussion 2: Writing Development


Prior to beginning this journal entry, read “First Language Acquisition” (pp. 198-204) and “Second Language Learning” (pp. 205-211) in your required text, as well as the required article, “Understanding Reading Anxiety: New Insights from Neuroscience.” It is important for you to have already completed your initial discussion posts before you complete this journal entry.
Part 1: As you were reading this week, what vocabulary was used that was unfamiliar to you or might be to your peers? Identify three to five words from this week’s content and research each word in the context of learning and cognition. Explain, in your own words, what each word means and how it is used in the context of learning and cognition.
Part 2: Based on the week’s discourse and content, you will access the Ashford University Library and research one scholarly article pertaining to “reading comprehension and second language” published within the last ten years. Provide a summary explanation of the findings in the context of your article. What implications should scholars consider based on this information? Support your explanation utilizing your course sources and your researched article.
Part 3: Consider the events from the last week of your life. How does the ability to read and write effectively affect our behaviors, actions, and knowledge development? Describe one personal real-life example of an occurrence that indicates the possible consequences when reading and writing acquisition are not well-developed or when language development creates boundaries, such as education or employment opportunities. As you share this information, consider and apply the professional standards found in “12.06 Anonymity of Sources” found in the AERA Code of Ethics.
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The article by Khaki (2014) reports that summarizing texts had a significant impact on learning in a second language learning setting. The researcher conducted a quasi-experiment, in which one group prepared summaries, while the control did not.  According to the results, whereas there was a difference between the summary groups and the control groups, no much difference was reported between the summarizing group and the student-generated group.

Word Count: 650