Disparate Variations, Validity types and Valid Instrument Selection


Disparate Variations, Validity types and Valid Instrument Selection


Write a discussion paper on Disparate Variations, Validity types and Valid Instrument Selection

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Disparate impact is the engagement applies that result in an adverse impact on a specific worker or a team of workers. These may include several ways of employing and dismissing whereby a manager screens out potential personnel based on their gender, age, or tribe while picking them for jobs. In disparate impact, the emphasis is not usually on the prejudiced intent but on the costs to the victim of discrimination. An example is during an annual screening in a company; the results show that only female employees had new reports of criminal records that would negatively affect their operations in the organization.

Importance of valid selection of instruments and the various types of validity

The two important factors to put into consideration while developing and selecting instruments are validity and reliability. This helps to ensure quality output from research.  According to Kimberlin and Almut (2281), validity is well-defined as the degree/level at which an instrument can produce accurate and quality results. An instrument can be termed neither as valid nor invalid. Instead, it is valid for a particular purpose with a specific group/team of people. Thus, validity is specific to the appropriateness of the interpretations that a particular person or group of people wish to make after conducting research. There are several kinds of validity.

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