Dissertation Methodology


Dissertation Methodology


Writing a 1000 word methodology section of a dissertation (only need methodology, nothing else). Information is attached.

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The study will apply a probability sample which will involve a random selection of consumers within 40-65 age brackets, in the population. Everyone in the case study has an equal probability of being selected in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province of Central China. The rationale for using random selection is to maximize the exactness of generalizability.  The investigator seeks to collect a sample of 8-10 Taiyuan elderly consumers of functional foods. Structured open-ended questions will used to get primary data from the participants by asking them to explain their experience with word of mouth within the purchase context. The use of a probability sample and interviews is a simple strategy as it involves a one stage of sample selection. The interviews will be conducted in Taiyuan.

Data collection procedure

Data for analysis can be collected from varied sources for varied reasons. Data can be used for different reasons depending on their content, and thus, the need to understand the sources with the most viable and appropriate data for particular purposes (Yin, 2003).

Primary data sources

Researchers emphasizes on the collection of primary data to meet the primary aim of the study (Yin, 2003). However, collection of primary data is often costly and my take more time than collecting secondary data. In the proposed research, the investigator will use face-to-face and telephone interviews with consumers of functional foods, their families and marketing professionals. The aim is to derive their viewpoints regarding purchasing decisions of the elderly consumers of functional food.

Word Count: 1400