Dissertation on Supply Chain Management: Role of Supply Chain Management in Organizations

Chapter 1
Abstract – 150 words – Deadline 29 April.
1. Research question
2. Method
3. Key findings/claims
Introduction – 1500 words – Deadline 23 April.
1. Describe the problem/difficulty/situation that interests you
2. Establish, briefly, what has already been said/done in this area
3. Point out what has not been done, what is not yet known – i.e. the “knowledge gap”
4. Explain what you hope to do
Literature Review – 3500 words – Deadline 23 April.
1. To demonstrate a clear understanding of your field
2. To evaluate the work of others
3. To clarify important definitions/concepts
4. To narrow the problem, make the study feasible and develop your research space.
5. Describe how the “knowledge gap” fits in.
Possible questions to ask:
1. What do we already know in the immediate area concerned?
2. What are the relationships between the key concepts?
3. What are the existing theories?
4. Where are the inconsistencies or other shortcomings in our knowledge and understanding?
5. What views need to be (further) tested?
6. What evidence is lacking, inconclusive, contradictory or too limited?
7. Why study (further) the research problem?
8. What contribution can the present study be expected to make?

Chapter 2
Methodology – 3000 words – Deadline 26 April.
In research methodology section, you should provide the following aspects:
1. Introduce the overall methodological approach.
2. Indicate how the approach fits the overall research design (why is it suitable).
3. Describe the specific methods of data collection and why:
a. What kind of the data collection method will be used?
b. Why is this method appropriate for you data collection?
c. Explain the physical procedures that you going to use to collect your data.
d. Include all questionnaires, interview questions, etc. in the appendix.
4. Describe who will be your participants or samples in your study and why.
5. Describe how you intend to analyze and interpret your findings.
6. Address potential limitations that may occur as a result of your research design and indicate how to overcome or minimize these weaknesses.
7. Ethical considerations – e.g. confidentiality, intrusiveness & skewed data, data protection, no harm caused by research, etc.
Chapter 3
Findings & Discussion – 3500 words – Deadline 29 April.
1. State the key factual results from results
2. Make claims from them (discussion)
3. What limitations have you found?
Conclusions – 1500 words – Deadline 29 April.



Answer Preview:

The Role of Supply Chain Management
1.0 Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background to the Research
In recent years, there has been an explosion of studies exploring the vital role that supply chain management plays in taking goods from manufacturing to the point of consumption. However, most of the studies focus on describing what entails supply chain management, or its dynamics generally as it applies to particular countries and/or industries. In the wake of increasingly competitive business environments exacerbated by opening of markets beyond national borders, firms are finding that they have to look into all opportunities to optimize efficiency and reduce costs. The overriding idea is to differentiate oneself from competition, and leverage the competitive advantage to outperform market rivals (A.T Kearney, 2013, p. 18). According to Christopher (1998, p.23), the supply chain management has the potential to help firms gain sustainable competitive edge.

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