Diversity in Recruitment and Inclusion within Organizations


Diversity in Recruitment and Inclusion within Organizations


1.Read Book Chapter by Loong on Cultural issues in recruitment processes. Note how she writes
about the issue of "cultural fit" and to what extent this is an important factor in decision-
making. Reflect on how decisions based on cultural fit may be influenced by subconscious bias.
2. Read University of Newcastle’s Equal Employment and Diversity Plan – Note how they set
diversity targets in relation to NSW Benchmarks!

3.Read The Future of Work by Chandler McCleod – Note what are considered the biggest
barriers to diversity in the workplace in Australia.

Study questions: How is the concept of cultural fit influenced by subconscious bias?

How could unconscious bias be avoided?

Answer preview

The content, exercises and team discussion module 4 and 5 have substantially increased by knowledge concerning measures to eliminate organizational and individual barriers to improve diversity and inclusion. I have increased my knowledge about understanding the opportunities to promote diversity in organizations through recruitment processes and inclusion in the organization. I have learnt that subconscious biasness in the recruitment process hinders diversity in the recruitment process. The recruitment process is adversely affected by the decisions based on the “cultural fit” during (Book Chapter by Loong on Cultural issues in recruitment processes, 45-55).

Word count: 1209