Do Muslims see Australia as their Homeland?


Do Muslims see Australia as their Homeland?


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Do Muslims See Australia as Their Homeland The Notion of watan al asli and watan al sukna in Isl

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When communities act in a way to identify themselves, or be identified, as exclusive or even exaggeratedly based on their religion, the situations normally turn into an explosive state. The massive migration of Muslims in Australia in the 1960s and 1970s did not even evoke the state of contentment and loyalty to the country as their sacred place of dwelling until many detrimental events from people associated with Islam began occurring in the twenty-first century. As it was in other countries, the state of unstable contentment among Muslims in Australia became a major issue of concern when in the era of terrorist attacks among other Islamic-related mass actions that took place in many areas of the world. The infamous attack of twin-towers on September 11, 2001, in American,

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