Do the traditional Chinese relation strategies improve human resource efficiency (Literature Review)


Do the traditional Chinese relation strategies improve human resource efficiency (Literature Review)


Write a literature review (2700 words) for the dissertation.

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In general terms, the description of human relation strategies in China must take into account the characteristics of the country as geographically large, rapid economic development and large population. These features points out to the different companies in different industries, sizes, ownership size and geographical location. However, this paper will address human relation strategies in general terms irrespective of the characteristics identified above. In this case, the ‘Chinese human relation strategies’ refers to the HR function with different elements from that of Western culture. The Chinese characteristics are largely embedded in state-owned enterprises, foreign investment entities and joint ventures. The description of Chinese human resource management spans across different decades of development from 1940s up-to-date (Zhao and Du 2012).

Word count: 3253