Domestic versus International Expansion


Domestic versus International Expansion


Business managers are confronted on a daily basis with decisions regarding the use of real, personal, and intellectual property, and the rights and duties existing with relation to these property rights while at work. Add cybercrime, cyber piracy, and international business operations to this equation, and the manager is left with much to consider when evaluating the legal risks associated with the use of these properties as they engage in their business activities. It is the purpose of this assignment to promote the evaluation of all risks when using company and personal property, particularly intellectual property, both domestically and internationally. 

Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 5 (p. 96), Ch. 7 (pp. 154-155), Ch. 8, Ch. 25, and Ch. 26; sites such as: Public Library of Law, Law Library of Congress, and Justia Virtual Chase law database 

Scenario: Your company’s board of directors is exploring expansion of your business and is looking to you to prepare an analysis (Part I) and presentation (Part II) regarding whether that expansion should be domestic or international.

Part I

Prepare an analysis of the property rights, risks, and benefits of each in a minimum of 1,050 words, excluding the title and reference page, including the following:

  • Decide what actions a manager in your business should take to identify and protect the tangible property rights of your domestic and international business.
  • Summarize the actions a manager in your business should take to identify and protect the intellectual property rights of your domestic and international business.
  • Explain what actions a manager in your business should take to identify and protect the organization from violating the intellectual property (IP) rights of others.
  • Analyze what special problems arise regarding property rights when your business decides to do business outside the United States.
  • Evaluate the legal risks associated with all property rights, domestically and internationally, for your business.
  • Apply the risk management process to mitigate the legal risks for your business.
  • Evaluate contract formation in your business as it relates to its Intellectual Property and recommend one contract method of contract dispute resolution for use in your business.

Cite a minimum of three scholarly references. One scholarly reference must be from the University Library.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Part II

Create a 5- to 7-slide (excluding title and reference page) Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation summary to the company’s board of directors addressing the following:

  • List two reasons for domestic expansion.
  • List two reasons for international expansion.
  • Compare and contrast both domestic and international expansion.
  • Make your recommendation to the board of directors.

Cite a minimum of two scholarly references. One scholarly reference must be from the University Library.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Answer preview

One of the clear reasons of expanding a business domestically is the opportunity to staff the business with new, qualified and talented workforce who understands the business environment. Since individuals are normally recognized as the most crucial assets of a business, obtaining new, talented and qualified workforce locally is a clear-cut advantage to any company that wishes to expand. It is clear that these people can assist in streamlining processes and bringing new concepts to the company. Expanding domestically can also make a business organization broaden its customer thus increase the annual sales.

Slide count: 7