Domino’s pizza : Foundations Of Marketing


Domino’s pizza : Foundations Of Marketing


Write an analysis on the Foundation of marketing for Domino’s pizza

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Dominion was founded in 1960 by two brothers in Michigan. The brothers started the business after buying a store known as DomiNick’s which they later changed to Domino’s. Domino’s begun its expansion in 1983 in which it went international. Currently, Domino’s has over 10,000 employees working in over 8,000 stores globally. The company has therefore established itself as one of the most recognized global leaders in pizza delivery by operating a network of company owned and franchise owned stores in the US and in international markets (Domino’s pizza inc, 2016). In addition, the company has been dedicated in creating outstanding products, service, image and safety that can foster positive relationships with the communities in which they serve and delivering the local people something more than just great taste pizza. As part of the organization corporate culture, these commitments are shared by all the franchisees not only investing money but time, energy and sense of passion into the business.

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