Donald Trump’s Speech


Donald Trump’s Speech



  1. US President Donald Trump, Speech to Congress, Feb 2017 (begins 1.09.00).

  1. Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers keynote speech at WEF opening ceremony.

Points to review:

  • How do you think Donald Trump would reply to Xi Jinping’s points?
  • How might Xi Jinping justify globalisation to a US audience?

Answer Preview

Jinping might justify globalization to the US audience by underscoring the benefits specific to the Americans. Drawing from Trump’s speech and the audience’s reaction, Americans are interested in their wellbeing first before attending to other geopolitical maters. When the association with other global affairs seems to disadvantage the country, Americans believe that such deals should be rejected.  Jinping could capitalize on this perspective by explaining to the audience how globalization could help the country’s productivity and vitality. He could also justify his point by reflecting on the impact of opening up to the global opportunities on China. The audience would reflect on the continuous growth of China as a result of globalization, and resonate with the momentum it would present to the United State.

Word Count: 450