Draw Database Diagram Erd Using Vertabelo Visio Mysql Workbench Garden Glory Database Sch Q37185211


Draw a database diagram (ERD) using Vertabelo, Visio, or MySQLWorkbench for the Garden Glory database schema described below. UseCrow’s feetnotation.

OWNER (OwnerID, OwnerName, OwnerEmail,OwnerType)

OWNED_PROPERTY (PropertyID, PropertyName,PropertyType, Street, City, State, Zip, OwnerID)

GG_SERVICE (ServiceID, ServiceDescription,CostPerHour)

EMPLOYEE (EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName,CellPhone, ExperienceLevel)

PROPERTY_SERVICE (PropertyServiceID,PropertyID, ServiceID, ServiceDate, EmployeeID, HoursWorked) [Thistable uses a surrogate key instead of composite key]

The referential integrity constraints are: OwnerID inOWNED_PROPERTY must exist as OwnerID in OWNER PropertyID inPROPERTY_SERVICE must exist as PropertyID in OWNED_PROPERTYServiceID in PROPERTY_SERVICE must exist as ServiceID in GG_SERVICEEmployeeID in PROPERTY_SERVICE must exist as EmployeeID inEMPLOYEE


Extend and modify the database diagram using Vertabelo, Visio,or MySQL Workbench to meet Garden Glory’s new requirements above.Start by writing out the entities as they are described with thecolumns/attributes needed in each entity. Use Crow’s feet notation.Create appropriate identifiers (primary keys) and attributes(columns) for each entity.

Here are the relationship rules that need to be shown in thedatabase diagram to meet the new requirements:

• One owned property can be comprised of one or moresubproperties.

• One subproperty can be involved in zero or more propertyservices.

• One property service can involve zero or many pieces ofequipment.

• One piece of equipment can be used for zero or many propertyservices.

• One piece of equipment can be the basis of zero or manytraining courses.

• One employee can attend zero or many training courses.

• One training course can be attended by zero or manyemployees.

• One piece of equipment can have zero or many repairs.

  • Use Vertabelo, Visio, or MySQL Workbench to create separatedatabase diagrams for Part A and Part B. You should attach aseparate image file for each Part A and Part B.