Driverless Car Event Planning


Driverless Car Event Planning


  • Marks will be given for the originality, creativity and application to the plan. Screenshots of the group’s SketchUp (or other visual tool) model must be included as part of the development plan response to the brief.

  • You need to provide an academic framework for this assignment. You should do this by reading, understanding and referring to textbooks, refereed journal articles and other materials produced for university level study which relate to creativity and design for organized and managed events.
  • Work that does not include or includes a very limited level of application of these sources will be downgraded.
    It will be viewed favorably if a mix of citations (books, journal articles, reports, Internet sources, newspapers, etc.) is used in your assignments.
  • Do not use Wikipedia as it is not a credible source of information for university level assessment (although it is a useful source of information for personal use).
    You should immediately notify your lecturer of any team problem such as interpersonal conflict, imbalance of contribution, communication difficulties, or discontinuance of a member which contradicts or breaks this agreement.

Answer Preview


Co-creation in an event involves giving the audience an opportunity to design their desired experience (Raj, Walters and Rashid, 2017, p. 230). This involves giving the audience the power to decide about the unfolding of the event and meeting their expectations.  At the Driverless Car launch, co-creation will be initiated long before the advent of the event in order to engage the audience and allow them to become part of the facilitators of the event. Social media platforms will be used to communicate the event and collect opinions about particular aspects that should be covered during the launch. This will facilitate the alignment of the event to the expectations of the audience. During the start of the event, the audience will be asked to put aside their electronics for a minute to undertake a guided meditation of the event ahead and what it means to them. The purpose of this event is to create a connection between attendees and the event, and encourage subsequent attention to the forthcoming activities. The speakers will also take a few minutes introducing themselves to the audience, and respond to questions from them in real-time. However, there will be no coercion for the audience to actively engage. The speakers will not serve as the ultimate experts in the development of the product. The co-creation activities will engage the audience in finding the most innovative solutions for Driverless model.

Word Count: 1100