EatSafe Competitors and Collaborators


EatSafe Competitors and Collaborators


Read about the start-up company Eat Safe in “EatSafe_Description.pdf” and

1. Write 250 words on Eat Safe’s competitors.

2. Write 250 words on Eat Safe’s collaborators. See picture below for the collaborators.

3. Follow the same style as in “CompetitorCollaborator_Example.docx”

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The applications have a similarity in the sense that they relate to locating various joints for food. However, there is a slight difference in the customers they target. EatSafe is based in London and was launched in March 2018. It primarily focuses on prescribing food for allergic people usually with celiac disease (, n.d.). Therefore it has the following competitors, Nutifix, biteappy tripadvisor and yelp. Nutrifix was launched in 2016 and specializes in providing dietary tips and location for customers who want to keep health fitness (Burgess, 2018).

Word count: 628