Effect of Brexit on Tourism in United Kingdom


Effect of Brexit on Tourism in United Kingdom


Your portfolio assignment tasks will be based on the following question regarding EU membership. In your tutorials you will complete tasks to help you to write an academic REPORT. (900 words)

Q. Identify and discuss the possible impact of the referendum result which took place on
23rd June 2016.
You need to choose one areas from the list in the relevant box below and discuss how the
result will affect it.

  • The U.K. airline industry
  • U.K. Tour Operators
  • U.K. tourists

Answer preview

In June 23, 2016, UK citizens voted to support the suggestion of having United Kingdom (UK) withdraw from European Union (EU), with those seconding the withdrawal accumulating a 51.9 percent against 48.1% of those against (Hunt & Wheeler, 2017). Following the decision of the majority of the British people, Theresa May, the seating UK Prime Minister, saw through the invoking of Article 50 of the EU treaty, which officially started a two-year countdown in which the UK would have completely withdrawn from the treaty. Upon this decision, many concerns have risen regarding what economic impact will occur, during the exiting process and when Brexit is complete (Bowler, 2017 and Partington & Clarke, 2017).

Word count: 1136