Effect of children exposure to electronic media


Effect of children exposed to electronic media


For this week’s assignment, you will complete the Background (including a literature review) and Significance sections of your grant proposal following the Grant Proposal Guidelines. See the Sample Grant Proposal template as an example and use it as a template for your Grant Proposal. The more complete your assignment is, the more feedback you will receive for the Final Project. In addition, you will create the References page for your proposal by taking the sources from your Week Two annotated bibliography and converting them into a standard APA-formatted References list. Be sure to include at least five more peer-reviewed sources on your References page so that you have at minimum 15 sources as required for the Final Project.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Answer Preview 
Cognitive dysfunctions, often manifested in attention problems such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are often associated with negative effects of lengthy exposure to electronic media for children and adolescents (Barbara, 2008). Other associated outcomes include increased aggression and a decline in school performance. Existing research has focused on children’s exposure to television and video games as potential precursors to attention problems in children (Bryant, Evenson & Marshall, 2007; Economos et al., 2008).
Word Count: 1800