Effective Software Products for Communication Management on Large Projects


Effective Software Products for Communication Management on Large Projects


Using the University’s Online Library, locate at least one peer-reviewed article (Attached), in addition to locating at least one other online source. Write an essay, at least three pages in length, summarizing your findings on software products project managers can use to implement a communications management process for a large project. Remember to use proper APA format in citing and referencing your sources.

Answer preview

 Communication is crucial for giving direction and receiving feeding in any organizational undertaking. A large project has a huge taskforce in different locations who need yet most significantly, communication has to be enhanced effectively. Project managers need an effective communication tool that will be useful in this crucial role. Technological advancements are a current revelation in many fields and therefore, project managers also need to embrace the same. Several software tools have been developed recently to enhance communication management in various capacities (Boiangiu and Bucur, 2016).

Word count: 991