Effects of Female Leadership Styles in Jordan


The Effect of Female Leadership Styles in Jordanian Public Sector


Write a 4-page research paper on The Effects of Female Leadership Styles in Jordanian Public Sector. Ensure your paper has an abstract, research questions/Hypotheses, Discussion and Practical Implications.

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Women generally remain largely underrepresented in the leadership scene, which implies that there still a big gap that needs to be filled. In that regard, cultural values and societal norms appear to have hand in women leadership opportunities. Despite multiple efforts and strategies aimed at empowering women in Jordan, the country has yet to see more women in positions of leadership. The current study set out to seek questions to the following questions: what are the impacts of the demographic and occupational factors (gender, age, job, title, job category, nature of job, experience and education) on the assessment of participants towards leadership styles?

Which is the most dominant style of leadership among Jordanian women in leadership? What is the relationship between each of the leadership styles and commitment of the employees? The study adopted a quantitative research design, where a questionnaire was used to gather quantitative data. A sample of 554 participants in the Northern part of Jordan was included in the final questionnaire tally.

Word count: 5624