Effects of Life Transitions in Aging


Effects of Life Transitions in Aging


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Social Isolation

Social isolation is one of the greatest issues that older people face. According to Hemingway and Jack (2013), the majority of people at the age of 75, or more, can go for a full week without having to talk with friends, family, or neighbors. Many of these older people also admit that they do not spend time with these social groups even on the most valuable holidays, such as Christmas. In a study conducted on older people in the United Kingdom (U.K.), a relatively low number, 17 percent, of 75 and above years-old people have contact friends, neighbors, or family in an interval of less than once a week. In this case, it is clear that many older people suffer from distressing isolation due to the great lack of frequent contact with the social group. Verbal or physical contacts tend to be abandoned at a greater depth.

Word Count: 900