Electronic Marketing


Electronic Marketing


What is the difference between advertising on social media and marketing using social media? What are the benefits to each, and what are the challenges? Pretend you are launching your new blog on your recently updated website. Here’s your big chance to speak directly to your customers and hopefully start the dialogs that get picked up by search engine spiders. Write your first blog entry.

Market Planning
“The current approaches to integration of marketing communications generally aren’t sufficient. Marketers will need to use more sophisticated approaches to connect digital and physical touchpoints. Plus, they will shift their focus from the integration of brand image to the unification of each customer’s experience. The use of individual customer data will enable a continuous customer dialogue.” (DigiMarketing, Kent Wertime and Ian Fenwick)
a. The above quote is from a book written in 2008 about the future of digital marketing. Explain this quote, its significance to marketers and how it relates to digital marketing today.
b. Describe and explain what you have to consider to successfully implement an “integrated” marketing plan or program? Think about the total “user experience”.

Market Segmentation
a. All customers are not alike, as we learned in our discussions about segmentation. For the company you have been using during the term, describe the top three customer segments you are interested in attracting, and why they are important to you.
b. How would you attract customers to your site/business and how might your offers differ for each of the three segments? Hint: think about the 4P’s of marketing. You may benefit by reading a few articles about segmentation strategy. Feel free to also include tactics outside of the eMarketing world.

Mobile Marketing and eCommerce
There is a lot “buzz” about how smartphones and tablets have become increasingly important for e-Commerce.
a. Research this trend and, using the latest information, describe what is happening, and why.
b. As an eMarketer, what do you have to consider when designing websites, marketing programs and promotions to take advantage of the mobile trend?

The Big Picture Tie-down
Pretend – The shoe is on the other foot – you are an “eMarketing and web development partner” that has been selected by the marketing management team to create and launch a new website. You are NOT the marketing manager in this scenario.
List at least 10 questions you would want or need to ask in order in order to get your assignment accomplished, and explain why each of the questions is important to you (as the developer).

Answer preview

Advertising on social media is the type of paid ad content on social media platforms (Saxena, & Khanna, 2013). Choices of advertising on social media range from promoted tweets or sponsored Facebook post to a complete campaign strategy with a specified budget. Social media networks allow users to explore the different advertising options at cost. Advertising on social media also means taking advantage of free platforms to complement the paid ads. Therefore, content can be freely posted on Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Instagram etc., on a daily basis. The purpose of using social media ad is to resonate with customers. Social media advertising is useful to businesses as it helps in finding new customers through user shared information; user’s own information enable businesses to identify their interests instead of targeting clients who search particular terms.

Word count: 2436