Elevator Speech


Elevator Speech


1. Read: The assigned readings provide significant insight into the construction of an elevator speech, be sure to read these before you begin this assignment.

2.  Reflect: Consider what you learned from your Self-Assessment Questionnaire and from the Trait Validation interviews. Incorporate these into your thinking about the type of career opportunity you would like and what people should know about you.

3.  Draft: Write your elevator speech. If you are considering two or even three career options, you might want to write more than one elevator speech, which you could use for your different potential audiences/circumstances.

4.  Review: Review what you have written. Tighten your wording to ensure your speech is concise and clear.

5. Practice: Work on the delivery of your elevator speech. It should sound natural. You might even decide you want to memorize what you’ve written and then work on your style. Try practicing in front of a mirror, family member, or friend to learn more about your nonverbal delivery. Or, record yourself and scrutinize your effectiveness. Did you like what you saw?

6.  Record your Elevator Speech using the following guidelines:

  • Dress – Before you begin to record your elevator speech, consider how you are dressed. Although you may be more comfortable wearing a t-shirt and jeans, select and wear professional or business casual attire. Not only will it give you a more professional image for this assignment, but this practice session can help you feel more comfortable and confident wearing such clothes when you are in a networking situation.
  • Format – Follow the same recording instructions, using Panopto, Screen-O-Matic, YouTube, or other means, as used earlier in the term.
  • Brief Introduction – You will need to provide a brief introduction to the assignment at the start of your recording. Identify how many elevator speeches you have developed and why. For example, you might simply say that you have one elevator speech to help you gain a communications internship. Or, you might state that you have two elevator speeches. One focused on helping you get a job as an social media coordinator. The second one being designed for a media relations spokesperson. This will help “set the stage” for your delivery and provide context.
  • Elevator Speech(es) – Record your delivery of your elevator speech(es). Provide a transition between the introduction and your first speech. If you have more than one elevator speech, be sure to break in between each one so they don’t run together. If you feel more comfortable doing this with another person, you can use a “stand in” so you are able to deliver your speech to someone.

7. Review and submit: Watch your taped version to ensure you feel comfortable posting it.

8. Critique: The second part of this week’s work is to review and critique the elevator speeches of at least two of your classmates.

  •  View: Watch this week’s lecture for pointers on delivering feedback prior to writing your critique.
  •  Watch: Review the recorded elevator speeches of at least two of your classmates.
  •  Post: Post feedback for the elevator speeches you have reviewed. In your critique, apply what you have learned through your academic work about communication, giving speeches, and online delivery methods.

TIP: Be sure to make observations about the content of the elevator speech as well as the verbal and nonverbal delivery of the person. Take special note as to how comfortable and authentic the person appears to be. Examine language choice, content, length of presentation, etc. Be specific with your comments, so your course colleague can understand your recommendations. If communication theories are applicable to support your opinion and/or illustrate your point, reference those.

Answer preview

My personality and competencies form the foundation of my greatest strengths as a high-energy person. Whenever I encounter challenges, I always strive to find ways of getting things done, especially with the help of friends and team members. My social communication and getting along with others helps in solving problems irrespective of their magnitude. It would take a few minutes to get along with people I meet for the first time, especially at the workplace. I understand that nothing can be accomplished without the help of others.

Word count: 605