Embryos, Stem Cells, and Cloning


Embryos, Stem Cells, and Cloning


The final paper is a researched ethics position paper. The broad and general area of your paper will be determined by the subject areas covered in one of the following chapters from the required text.   The following chapters are available:

  1. Chapter Two: Requests to Die: Non-Terminal Patients
  2. Chapter Six: Assisted Reproduction, Multiple Births, and Elderly Patients
  3. Chapter Seven: Embryos, Stem Cells, and Cloning
  4. Chapter Eight: The Ethics of Treating Impaired Babies
  5. Chapter Twelve: Just Distribution of Organs
  6. Chapter Fourteen: Ethical Issues of Intersex and Transgender Persons

For the initial reply:

  1. Read and select a chapter that will determine your final paper’s broad topic.
  2. Identify an aspect of the chapter you would be interested in pursuing further. It may be a case discussed, a particular medical procedure, a class of patients, and so on. The area of interest is from the point of view of becoming a future health care professional or relates directly to the health profession/professional.
  3. Find an article (journal article, book chapter, appropriate magazine article) that explores what you identified in #2. It may be that in your research, you find a new possibility. In short, your research may become #2. At this point you have identified an initial area of interest for your final paper.

Initial Reply: Your initial post should be at minimum 250 words.

  1. Indicate the chapter you selected as an area of interest.
  2. Hone in on a prospective topic for your final paper. Describe the aspect of the chapter you found interesting and your reasons why you found it interesting (the reasons ought to relate to the health profession, rather than personal reasons).   In may help when you identify a tension to pose it as a question that reflects the conflict or dilemma. Make the question specific. One of these forms may help: Given facts about the case, conflicting principles, or uncertain information, what action(s) are justifiable? or Given facts about the case, conflicting principles, or uncertain information, is it justifiable to do (some action)?
  3. Briefly state what you learned from the article and why it helped (or not helped) in your pursuit to further understand your description in B above.
  4. Leave an appropriate citation in Chicago Manual of Style.

Answer preview

According to the research, stem cells might be derived from cord blood or obtained by exploiting distinguished cells to return them to a pluripotent condition. These are options that might assist widen that anticipation of stem cell research. The excitement regarding stem cell research is normally as a result of medical advantages especially in fields of therapeutic cloning and regenerative medicine. Stem cells offer enormous potential for searching cures and medications to a vast array of ailments which includes different spinal cord injuries, diabetes, MS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s among others.

Word count: 351