Emirates Air: Review Analysis


Emirates Air: Review Analysis


Write an analysis of the Emirates Air

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One of the major strategic advices for the business to make is by employing low-cost carrier model of doing business. Other major airlines have been using this method which has been of great help to them resulting in low costs of operations (Pamela Lewis, 2006). The best thing for the firm is to focus more on their operational and business practices which assist in driving down airline costs thus reducing costs. Those practices that can be of help to the company is by utilizing most of their airplanes, giving much reliance on direct sales, offering different classes of products to their customers. Reducing the costs of labor and reducing flyer programs will help the company increase in their profits (Dr. Triant G. Flouris, 2012). Emirates Airlines have been operating as an airline for the wealthy; they need now to be working as a low-cost carrier so that they capture more passengers who make them grow in profits. It will help to increase expectations of the customers while also reducing new challenges.

Word Count: 1300