Employability Skills


Employability Skills


You will use a range of theories, concepts and principles from your lessons in weeks 1 to 7 to complete three journal entries as outlined below:
A journal with three entries with a total word limit of 900 (+/- 10%)
Journal entry 1: Know yourself Learning Outcomes

-Identify what you consider to be the key aspects of the Gallup Strengths theory
-How can you apply these to achieve your career aspirations?

Journal entry 2: Know yourself Learning Outcomes

-Critically appraise two of the theories from this module (are there any flaws?)

Journal entry 3: Know yourself Learning Outcomes

-Reflect on how you can apply elements of these theories to your future career development? How will you own them?

Appendices (not included in the word count) Learning Outcomes
A) Provide your Gallup Strengths certificate with your top 5 strengths

References: Include a full reference list for all the sources you have cited in your text in Harvard
style. You should include an appropriate number of sources in your writing for this academic level

Answer preview

The Gallup test showed that I have the following traits; restorative, learner, communication, arranger, futuristic. Interestingly, these strengths are relevant and applicable to my career. I would like to work as in a management role in a business setting. These traits will play a vital role for me as I pursue and work in my career. It is worth noting that the business environment is highly competitive, therefore for one to survive either as an employee or entrepreneurs, they must have the necessary traits to remain competitive (Kwon & Cho, 2017). In view of my career goals, I feel that being restorative will be useful for me, as it implies that I am able to create solutions to problems that arise in the workplace.

Word count: 1101