Employee Training – Who Should Pay for Training and Why & What Can They Expect to Gain from it
1. Who should pay for training and why? What can they expect to gain from it?
2. Compare and contrast the vocational training systems in one LME and one CME. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each system?
3. Soft skills are an important aspect of work, but do not always translate into high pay. Discuss with particular reference to women workers in low-paid work.
4. Learning at work depends more on job design and systems of management control rather than training courses. Discuss, using evidence to justify the points that you make.
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Employee training is one of the costly investments made by organizations. A recent Training Industry Report by Training Industry Magazine (2020) revealed that an average American company spends around $1,111 on training per employee. Small companies spend about $1,678 while large companies spend about $924. Mid-sized companies spend about $581. Irrespective of the variation of costs based on company size, these figures reveal that training requires massive investment to achieve a competitive advantage. While the importance of employee training cannot be overstated, the question of who should pay for it. This essay argues that employers and employees should pay training based on the extent to which they derive direct benefits, and that the state should subsidize training programs where the formers are unable to meet the training investment requirements.
Word count: 3383