Employees in the IT Sector experience a high level of Stress level of Work-Family Conflict in Western and Eastern Countries


Employees in the IT Sector experience a high level of Stress level of Work-Family Conflict in Western and Eastern Countries


Write an essay paper that explores the topic:  Employees in the IT Sector experience a high level of Stress level of Work-Family Conflict in Western and Eastern Countries

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Job satisfaction: The IT industry is one of the sectors that need the total commitment of all its employees. Therefore, for the employees to demonstrate a high level of dedication, they must have a certain level of job satisfaction (Buonocore and Rasso, 2013). In that regard, job satisfaction in the IT sector for the employees in the western and eastern countries is almost at par. It would be essential to note that workers in this industry experience a relatively higher level of job satisfaction but workers from western nations experience greater job satisfaction due to higher compensation than their counterparts in the eastern countries (Chandra, 2012). Additionally, workplace practices such as time-flex policies allow them to strike a balance between family time and job demands. Most specifically, female workers tend to be greater beneficiaries as they can tend to their family obligations while pursuing career growth at the workplace. In that regard, work role centrality appears to be equally responsive for all the employees in the western countries (Chandra, 2012).

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