



In your own words, define employment-at-will. Why did this doctrine become viewed as harsh, immoral, or unfair, from an employee’s perspective? Research the Internet and find a legal case that involves a “wrongful termination” claim. Briefly cite/describe this case, the final ruling, and if you agree with the case outcome. Review the cases posted by your fellow classmates, respond to at least three of your classmates’ posts, and discuss the outcomes and the applicability of the employment-at-will doctrine

Answer Preview 

One of the legal cases related to the wrongful termination of a job is that of Toussaint v. Blue cross and & Blue Shield of Michi-gan in 1980. The case was presented before the Supreme Court of Michi-gan by Charles Toussant against Blue Cross. Toussant was a senior manager in Blue Cross for five years. His job was terminated without any notice. The employment terms for job security in the Blue Cross was that Toussant would continue working for the company as long as he worked (Muhl, 2001). The company had 260 pages of long personnel policies that were handed to him during hiring. One of the contents in the manual was that Blue Cross has the authority to fire employees for any reason.

Word Count: 400