Enabling Factors for Gender and Social inclusion in Green and Inclusive Energy in Kenya


Enabling Factors for Gender and Social inclusion in Green and Inclusive Energy in Kenya


The research is on the factors that help in Gender and Social inclusion (marginalized, disabled..) in the green energy sector.
Using APA format, write 25 pages of content. Quote some books, policies, briefs that are in line with the topic. Ensure that you discuss the enabling factors, challenges, opportunities, monitoring, lessons learnt and policy recommendations.

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Lack of a reliable and sustainable energy is one of the contributing factors to low economic wellbeing of Kenyan population. It is approximated that about 5.9 million of Kenyans are not connected to the national grid in the recent government-led electrification program. According to the Kenya Power Managing Director, Dr. Ken Tarus, the number of Kenyan households connected to the national grid as at March 2017 stood at 63%, a 7% to the 70% target by 2020 (Kenya Power, 2017). The inability of the poor to access energy is attributed to poor policy and institutional inadequacies enacted by the Kenyan Government. However, the government and other non-state actors have expressed commitment to empower communities, the private sector and other external players to increase accessible to energy through green energy initiatives.

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