English for Academic Purposes Portfolio


English for Academic Purposes Portfolio


Compare and contrast the higher education system in England with that of one country of your choice in terms of funding and quality. Which system is preferable?

Please follow the guideline
Compare and contrast only FUNDING and QUALITY.
Underfunding are the Tuition Fees, Scholarships, lecturer salaries, and other fundings.
Under quality is Curriculum, quality of lecturers and university, employability, student satisfaction, etc. thanks
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This report focuses on a comparison of funding and quality of higher education both in England and Australia. The document recognizes a number of dissimilarities particularly in tuition fees, scholarship, and loan repayment, access of funds to post-graduate students, employability, and the general quality of education. Access to education and its quality in both countries is significantly reasonable, with Australia indicating a slightly better system than England.

Word Count: 800