Entering a New Country Market of Oil and Gas in Brazil with the New Technology

Entering a New Country Market of Oil and Gas in Brazil with the New Technology


Your company is within the oil and gas industry and possesses a hi-tech solution of significant value to the Brazilian market. Suggest options for entering the Brazilian market and identify the major risk for failure. Remember that the risk of failure can be attached to several levels

now, in your response you must mention the following:

1) Options for entering the Brazilian market: Government regulations Market structure Customer needs Supply structure

2) Major risk factors: a) Country-level in Brazil b) Industry-level c) Firm-level

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As technological innovations are becoming a prominent market sustainability factor for contemporary companies, organizations need to consider the proper understanding of potential markets in order to apply tactical investment that would enable seamless penetrating of their businesses. Involving three critical stages of business operations, including upstream, midstream, and downstream, the oil and gas business has remained a type of business that requires continuous technological improvements due to the inevitable need to explore new sites as well as increasing demand for the increasing energy consumption to serve the global population.

Word Count: 1200